
HammerTime requires python 3.5.2

pip install hammertime-http

Optional Dependancies

  • simhash-py (c++ implementation) as a faster alternative to simhash. A compiler is required for the installation. Note that simhash is only used for soft-404 detection.
  • uvloop for a faster implementation of asyncio event loop.

Getting started

To send a large number of requests in parallel and get each response as soon as the request is done:

from hammertime import HammerTime

# Import required heuristics:
from hammertime.rules import DynamicTimeout, RejectStatusCode

hammertime = HammerTime(retry_count=3)  # Retries for failed request (default is 0, or no retry)

#To add multiple heuristics:
reject_5xx = RejectStatusCode(range(500, 600))
timeout = DynamicTimeout(min_timeout=0.01, max_timeout=1)
hammertime.heuristics.add_multiple([reject_5xx, timeout])


async def fetch():
    for i in range(10000):
    async for entry in hammertime.successful_requests():


Note that only the entry of successful requests are returned, and no exception are raised when a request fails or is rejected.

HammerTime.request returns the request wrapped in a asyncio.Task, so you can await for the completion of all requests, or wait for a single request:

import asyncio
from hammertime import HammerTime
from hammertime.rules import RejectStatusCode

hammertime = HammerTime()

#To add a single heuristic:
reject_404 = RejectStatusCode([404])

async def fetch():
    tasks = []
    for i in range(10000):
    done, pending = await asyncio.wait(tasks, loop=hammertime.loop, 
    for future in done:
        entry = await future

    # Wait for a single request:
    entry = await hammertime.request("")


When awaiting Hammertime.requests or the future wrapping the entry, an HammerTime exception is raised if the request failed or was rejected.