Getting Started With Heuristics

To use a single heuristic:

from hammertime.rules import RejectStatusCode
from hammertime import HammerTime

hammertime = HammerTime()
reject_5xx = RejectStatusCode(range(500, 600))

To use more than one heuristic:

from hammertime.rules import RejectStatusCode, DynamicTimeout
from hammertime import HammerTime

hammertime = HammerTime(retry_count=3)
reject_5xx = RejectStatusCode(range(500, 600))
dynamic_timeout = DynamicTimeout(0.01, 2)
heuristics = [reject_5xx, dynamic_timeout]

When multiple heuristics are added to HammerTime, they are called in the order they were added. For example:

heuristic_a = HeuristicA()
heuristic_b = HeuristicB()
hammertime.heuristics.add_multiple([heuristicA, heuristicB])

If both heuristic_a and heuristic_b support the same event (e.g. before_request), then the before_request method of heuristic_a will be called before the before_request method of heuristic_b.

Child heuristic

Some heuristics make requests of their own and heuristics can be applied to the requests they make. Heuristics used by a heuristic are called child heuristics. For proper configuration of the child heuristics, the parent heuristic must be added to HammerTime before the child heuristics are added to the parent, else an attribute error will be raised:

from hammertime import HammerTime
from hammertime.rules import DynamicTimeout, FollowRedirects

hammertime = HammerTime(retry_count=3)

follow_redirects = FollowRedirects()
timeout = DynamicTimeout(1, 5)

Existing Heuristics

class hammertime.rules.RejectStatusCode(*args)

Used to reject responses based on their HTTP status code.


  • args: Iterables containing the status code to reject.

class hammertime.rules.IgnoreLargeBody(initial_limit=1024*1024)

Dynamically sets a size limit for the body of HTTP responses and truncates larger body at the calculated limit to prevent large response from decreasing performance.


  • initial_limit: The initial size limit for the response body. Default is 1 MB.

class hammertime.rules.DynamicTimeout(min_timeout, max_timeout, sample_size=200)

Dynamically adjust the request timeout based on real-time average latency to maximise performance.


  • min_timeout: Minimum value for the request timeout, in seconds.
  • max_timeout: Maximum value for the request timeout, in seconds.
  • sample_size: the amount of requests used to calculate the timeout. for example, if the sample size is 100, the last 100 requests will be used to calculate the timeout. Default is 200.

class hammertime.rules.DetectSoft404(distance_threshold=5, collect_retry_delay=5.0, confirmation_factor=1)

Detect and flag response for a page not found when a server respond with a 200 for pages not found. entry.result.soft404 is set to True if the server responded with a soft 404, else it is set to False.


  • distance_threshold: Minimum count of differing bit between two simhash required to consider two simhash to be different. Default is 5.
  • collect_retry_delay: Amount of seconds to wait between sampling attempts.
  • confirmation_factor: Amount of samples to collect per pattern. This helps in situations unpredicable responses from the server.

To automatically reject all soft 404s, use the RejectSoft404 heuristic in combination with this heuristic (DetectSoft404 has to be added before RejectSoft404 to the list of heuristics).

The heuristic requires some content sampling rules to be set-up prior to execution and as part of the child heuristics.

  • hammertime.rules.ContentHashSampling: Exact matching of the entire response content.
  • hammertime.rules.ContentSimhashSampling: A fast tolerant hashing allowing some minor variations in the content.
  • hammertime.rules.ContentSampling: Collects the first few bytes of the request and uses a slow sequence matching algorithms. Always used as a last resort.

This heuristic supports child heuristics.

class hammertime.rules.RejectSoft404()

Raise RejectRequest when a entry is flagged as a soft 404 (entry.result.soft404 set to True). DetectSoft404 needs to be in the list of heuristics before this heuristic, else entry.result.soft404 will be undefined.

class hammertime.rules.SetHeader(name, value)

Set the value of a field in the HTTP header of the requests.


  • name: The name of the field in the HTTP header.
  • value: The value for the field.

class hammertime.rules.FollowRedirects(*, max_redirects=15)

Follow redirects and store all the intermediate HTTP entries in the result of the initial entry. The complete path between the initial request and the final (non-redirect) response can be retrieved from entry.result.redirects:

entry = await hammertime.request("")
for entry in entry.result.redirects:


  • max_redirects: Maximum redirects the heuristic will follow for a request before rejecting the request. Default is 15.

This heuristic supports child heuristics.

class hammertime.rules.DetectBehaviorChange(buffer_size=10, match_threshold=5, match_filter=DEFAULT_FILTER, token_size=4)

This heuristic catches the server's behavior change, such as a WAF starting to block all requests. It compares the responses and flag the entries as an error behavior when a lot of identical or very similar responses are received. To test if a request is an error behavior:

entry = await hammertime.request("")
if entry.result.error_behavior:
    # Response is not the normal behavior.


  • buffer_size: The amount of requests to store for behavior comparison. Each response will be compared with the last buffer_size responses. Default is 10.
  • match_threshold: The equality threshold in bit when comparing simhash of responses. Two simhash with match_threshold or more bit that differ will be unequal. Default is 5.

Requires hammertime.rules.ContentSimhashSampling to be set-up ahead and as part of the child heuristics.

class hammertime.rules.RejectErrorBehavior()

Reject entries that have the attribute result.error_behavior set to True by raising hammertime.behavior.BehaviorError. Must be called after a heuristic that set this attribute, like DetectBehaviorChange. Add the other heuristic before this one when configuring HammerTime's heuristic.

class hammertime.rules.DeadHostDetection(threshold=50)

Raise OfflineHostException if the destination host is or become unresponsive. A host is considered dead if the amount of requests that timed out in a row exceed threshold. If the host is declared dead all pending requests raise OfflineHostException. Host unreachable errors count as timeout errors.


  • threshold: The amount of timed out requests in a row required to declared the destination host as dead. Default is 50.

class hammertime.rules.FilterRequestFromURL(*, allowed_urls=None, forbidden_urls=None)

Reject requests based on the URL. URL of each request is match against one or more url filter, either from allowed_urls or forbidden_urls (but not both), and a request with an URL that matches a filter in the black list or that doesn't match at least one filter in the white list is rejected (a RejectRequest exception is raised). The matching rules are as follow: 1. If the filter has a network location (, and the URL network location is equal to the filter's network location, the network locations match. 2. If the filter has a path (/test), and the URL path is inside the filter's path (/test/index.html), the path match. 3. If the filter contains both a network location and a path (, the URL matches only if 1 and 2 returned a match. 4. Else, it returns a match if 1 or 2 returned a match.

A ValueError is raised if both parameters are either None or not None.


  • allowed_urls: A string or a list of string with a network location (host) and/or a path describing the allowed URLs for the requests, or None if the forbidden url list is used instead. Ex: "" will match all URL to this host, "/test" will match all URL with a path beginning with /test, and "" will match all URL to host only if their paths begin with /test.
  • forbidden_urls: A string or a list of string with a network location (host) and/or a path describing the forbidden URLs for the requests, or None if the allowed url list is used instead. Matching rules are the same as allowed_urls.

class hammertime.rules.RejectCatchAllRedirect()

This heuristic rejects the redirects that a host returned when an unexisting resource in a specific directory is requested and allows the redirects for existing resource. Ex: a server hosts privileged resources in /admin/. Unauthenticated users are redirected to /login.php when they requests an existing resource in /admin/. All requests to unexisting resources are redirected to /404. In this scenario, redirects to /404 will be rejected but redirects to /login.php won't.

This heuristic supports child heuristics.