Proxy support

HTTP over proxy

To send HTTP requests over a proxy, pass the address of the proxy to HammerTime:

hammertime = HammerTime(proxy="")

Or use the set_proxy method:

hammertime = HammerTime()

HTTPS over proxy

To send HTTPS requests over a proxy, pass an instance of an AioHttpEngine to HammerTime, with SSL authentication disabled (not recommended) or the CA certificate of the proxy (recommended):

from hammertime.engine.aiohttp import AioHttpEngine
from hammertime.config import custom_event_loop
from hammertime import HammerTime

loop = custom_event_loop()
engine = AioHttpEngine(loop=loop, verify_ssl=False, proxy="")
# or
engine = AioHttpEngine(loop=loop, ca_certificate_file="path/to/proxy/cert.pem", 
hammertime = HammerTime(request_engine=engine)