HammerTime Reference

HammerTime class

class hammertime.HammerTime(loop=loop, request_engine=request_engine, kb=kb, retry_count=0, proxy=None)

The core class of HammerTime to make requests


  • loop: Event loop used by HammerTime. By default, it is uvloop if available, else asyncio event loop is used. Except if a custom loop is required, you don't need to pass a loop to HammerTime, as the injector automatically initialize HammerTime with a default loop.
  • request_engine: The AioHttpEngine used to make the HTTP requests. The injector pass a AioHttpEngine automatically. A custom instance can be provided if the default values are not suitable.
  • kb: The knowledge base used by the heuristics. The injector creates an empty knowledge base by default.
  • retry_count: The amount of time HammerTime will send a request after the initial attempt failed. A retry count of 3 means that a single request can be sent up to 4 times (the inital attempt + 3 retries). Default is 0 (no retry).
  • proxy: The HTTP proxy used to send the requests. Must be a string containing the proxy URL. Default is none (no proxy).

attribute stats

A Stats instance containing the statistics about HammerTime requests (duration, rate, retry count, success count, etc.)

attribute heuristics

A Heuristics instance containing the heuristics used by HammerTime.

attribute closed

An asyncio.Future used to wait for the completion of the close process of HammerTime. HammerTime will mark this future as done when its closing process is complete. Useful to wait for HammerTime to completely close itself.

property is_closed

Return True if HammerTime as completely closed itself, False otherwise. This property is read-only.

property completed_count

The amount of requests HammerTime has successfully complete. Retries do not count. This property is read-only.

property requested_count

The amount of requests HammerTime has sent. Retries do not count. This property is read-only.

method request(*args, **kwargs)

Create a request and wrap it in a asyncio.Task, scheduling its execution. Return the task wrapping the request.


  • args: The URL for the request.
  • kwargs: Optional keyword arguments used to create the HTTP entry with non-default values for method or headers.

Return: An asyncio.Task wrapping the request.

method successful_requests()

Return an AsyncIterator with the entries of all successful requests. No exception are raised, and the entry of requests that caused an exception are not returned. Entries are returned as soon as they are available, thus the entries are not in the same order as the requests.

Since 0.2.0 In order to be functional, collect_successful_requests must be called prior to requests being performed.

Return: An AsyncIterator containing HTTP entries of the successful requests. Intended to be used with async for.

coroutine close()

Close HammerTime and set the closed future as done.

method set_proxy(proxy)

Set the proxy used to send the HTTP requests


  • proxy: The URL of the HTTP proxy.

Stats class

class hammertime.core.Stats()

Initialize a new Stats instance with the current time as the start time.

attribute init

A time object representing the time this stats object was created.

attribute requested

The amount of requests made by HammerTime, ignoring retries.

attribute completed

The amount of requests made by HammerTime for which a response, not discarded by heuristics, was received.

attribute retries

The amount of retries made by HammerTime for all the requests.

property duration

The elapsed time since the stats instance was initialized.

property rate

The amount of completed requests divided by the current duration.


class hammertime.http.Entry(request, response, result, arguments)

Create a new Entry without default values. Use static method create to create a new Entry with default values.


  • request: The request of the entry.
  • result: The result of the entry.
  • response: The response of the entry.
  • arguments: A dictionary used to store optional arguments with the entry.

static method create(*args, response=None, arguments=None, **kwargs)

Create a new Entry.


  • args: Arguments used to create the Request (the URL of the request).
  • response: The response for the Entry. Default is None.
  • arguments: A dictionary used to store optional arguments with the entry.
  • kwargs: Keywords arguments used to create the Request.

Return: The created Entry.

attribute request
An instance of the Request class, containing the HTTP request of the entry.

attribute result
An instance of the Result class, containing data about the result of the HTTP request.

attribute response
An instance of the Response class, containing the HTTP response of the entry.

attribute arguments
A dictionary used to store optional arguments with the entry.

class hammertime.http.Request(url, *, method='GET', headers=None) A class containing all the information used to make the HTTP request.

attribute url The URL for the request.

attribute method The method for the HTTP request. Only 'GET' is available for now.

attribute headers A dict with the name/value of the fields in the HTTP header.

class hammertime.http.Result() A class containing various data about the result of the HTTP request.

attribute attempt The amount of time the request was sent.

attribute read_length The maximum length (in bytes) of the response body that will be read (default is -1, i.e. unlimited).

attribute redirects A list of HTTP entries generated when a redirect is followed. Empty list if no redirect.

class hammertime.http.StaticResponse(code, headers, content=None) A class containing the response for the HTTP request.

attribute code The HTTP status code of the response.

attribute headers The HTTP headers of the response.

attribute content The content of the response as a string.

attribute truncated True if the response content is truncated because the length exceed the max read length.

property raw The content of the response in UTF-8 encoded bytes. This is a read/write property.

property partial_content Same as content, but does not raise an UnicodeDecodeError if the content is truncated at the middle of a multi-bytes character. The truncated character is ignore and the rest of the content is returned as a string.